Now, if both client computers can only use the same ports 32 for ARD how can it be possible to create separate port forwarding to both of them with their different internal ip addresses? I think that cannot be done - and I would be glad to learn otherwise. To control a single computer behind a router 'you need to set the router to forward TCP and UDP ports 32 to the client computer you wish to access' (this is a quote from the ARD manual). The ARD client (that part of ARD that is used on the two computers behind the router) uses port 3283 for remote management and port 5900 for screen sharing - and I never heard or read that these ports can be changed for the CLIENT computers. Now let's say the internal ip addresses of your two computers behind the router are and That means under this address you reach the router and you have to put this address into ARD on the admin side in order to reach any computer behind the router - correct? Let's say your external ip address is 123.456.789. I would love to hear how this could actually work without VPN.